
Calculation of force vectors in the quality control system for space industry equipment

Determining and helping to eliminate extraneous fluctuations, vibrations and damage to testing equipment using software based on a mathematical model


  • C#
  • .Net


The customer is one of the leading suppliers of cutting-edge equipment from global manufacturers for laboratories and testing in the space industry.


The company is responsible for ensuring reliable performance of the supplied equipment electromechanical devices and controlling their quality. They carry out component tests to check compliance with established requirements. 

Electromechanical devices can include gyroscopes, used for measuring and maintaining orientation, as well as manipulators capable of accurately moving objects.

A manipulator arm
A manipulator arm 

To check the system for balance, strength and stability quality control specialists use special sensors measuring the parameters of fluctuations during the operation of electromechanical devices.

The system calculates various physical indicators ​​of electromechanical devices, such as spatial force vectors, moments of force, static and dynamic imbalances based on the obtained data. Deviations from the expected physical indicators of the products allow the specialists to identify extraneous fluctuations, vibrations and damage in the supplied equipment.

Customer specialists normally used one sensor to measure the physical characteristics of electromechanical devices. To provide better accuracy they introduced configurations with 3, 4, 6 and 12 sensors. Additional sensors increased the amount of data to be processed, and complicated the mathematical model used for calculations. The risk of errors in the calculations increased. Therefore, it became necessary to find optimal computational methods and information processing tools.


Rubius has developed software that reads measurements from sensors and calculates various parameters, such as force vectors, moments of force, static and dynamic imbalances of the products.

Additionally, the Rubius team has carefully chosen the most suitable numerical methods that minimize calculation errors, taking into account the customer's mathematical model. The system provides visualization of the results and generates the necessary graphs. This enables a more accurate assessment of the condition of electromechanical products.

Visualization of calculation results
Visualization of calculation results of force vectors, moments of force, static and dynamic imbalances of electromechanical devices 

How the system works

  • The system operates by using three-component sensors to measure the dynamic characteristics of electromechanical devices. The operator can use 3, 4, 6 or 12 sensors for the measurements. 
  • The data collected from the sensors is then processed through the input channels of the signal registration and analysis system.
  • Based on the processed information, calculations are performed to determine the spatial vectors of force, moments of force, static and dynamic imbalances of products. These calculations take into account the phase components of the measured signals along each of the coordinate axes X, Y, Z.
  • The system visualizes models of vectors of forces, moments of force and resulting vectors in graphical and tabular forms.
  • A common protocol and applications are generated, which contain the results of calculations.


The implementation of software with optimal calculation methods helps quality control specialists to efficiently process vast amounts of data from sensors. This software not only enhances the accuracy of calculating the physical indicators of electrical products, but also helps to eliminate extraneous fluctuations, vibrations and damages.

The software facilitates the timely delivery of high-quality laboratory equipment to the supplier's customers.

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