
Financial and ESG monitoring system for a metalworking company

Interactive production facility map, visualizations of financial and ESG indicators, and notifications for deviations from KPI targets


  • Java Script
  • Blend4Web

The Problem 

Each year, publicly traded companies prepare dozens of reports for their investors and boards of directors to present information on their finances and achievements in environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG). Each document comprises dozens of pages, has to be formatted according to a special international standard (IFRS, IAS, GRI, or SASB), and is current only once per quarter — or even once per year. Meanwhile, according to Ernst & Young Global Limited, 78% of investors regularly study such reports and use them to judge a business’s success and social responsibility.  

Rubius has developed an online monitoring system for financial and ESG indicators. Investors and board members can use the system to find out how a company is doing at any time, from revenue and production costs to energy consumption and the number of employees who are out sick. 

Publicly traded steel company based in East Asia. It is one of the world's ten largest companies by production volume, it has been a Fortune 500 company for several years.

The solution 

The system we developed is based on a three-dimensional interactive map of the company with analytical dashboards. Even an investor who has never visited the company’s facility can use the system to get a complete picture of how the company spends its money. 

The dashboards feature charts and graphs that visualize more than 40 financial and ESG business metrics, including:    

Financial performance and ESG principles

The map accurately depicts the facility and its grounds: workshops, equipment in them, warehouses, roads, and even signs and information displays. Users can click on individual objects to view summary information: what the object is (e.g., a smelting shop, foundry or sheet rolling shop), the job completion percentage, its working capacity, and information about the condition of associated equipment. If an accident occurs at the facility, or if performance deviates from a KPI target, the issue is highlighted in red on the map.

Features of the monitoring system: 

  • An accurate 3D map of the production facility and its equipment, with animations of its processes.
  • A brief summary for each production facility.
  • Charts and graphs that visualize financial and ESG indicators from MES and ERP systems.
  • Analytical data linked to objects on the 3D map.
  • Visual indications of problematic objects experiencing emergencies or deviations from KPI targets.
  • Navigation features: aerial view and buttons to quickly view key objects (warehouses, blast furnaces, plate shops, etc.)

The system helps our customer improve the quality of its management, strengthen relations with shareholders and attract investments faster — all thanks to accurate financial and ESG data, made accessible quickly and conveniently. These are key reporting requirements for the world’s largest stock exchanges, such as the London Stock Exchange. 

Additionally, online monitoring has been recognized as a new trend in investor relations. Continuous ESG monitoring is an internationally acknowledged principle of responsible investing, adopted by more than 31,000 organizations worldwide. This number will only grow: 90% of investors, representing $200 billion in total assets, have stated that they have begun paying more attention to ESG results and are ready to invest even more money in socially responsible companies.  

In this project, we not only designed and implemented the system itself, but also prepared a 3D model of the plant, developed an API for MES and ERP data exchange, adapted the core of the WebGL engine to fit the job, and practically picked up a second language — to accommodate heightened security measures, our team worked on-site at the customer’s facility in East Asia.

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